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BrowserStack & iOS

BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that provides developers with the ability to test their websites and mobile applications across on-demand browsers, operating systems and real mobile devices.


npm install --save-dev assert wd

Example iOS app test

This test is initiated from your machine, and runs test then report results, on the BrowserStack cloud.


var assert = require('assert');
const { Builder, By, until } = require("selenium-webdriver");

var buildDriver = function() {
  return new Builder()

async function iosBrowserStackTest () {
  let driver =  buildDriver();
  try {
    await driver.wait(
      ), 30000

    var textInput = await driver.wait(
        ), 30000
    await textInput.sendKeys('\n');
    await driver.sleep(5000);

    var textOutput = await driver.findElement(

    assert(textOutput === '');
    await driver.executeScript(
      'browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"passed","reason": "Input and output text matches"}}'
  } catch (e) {
    await driver.executeScript(
      'browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"failed","reason": "Some elements failed to load"}}'
  } finally {
    if (driver) {
      await driver.quit();


BrowserStack configuration file

First, upload ipa up to your BrowserStack account, and get the app ID.


# =============================
# Set BrowserStack Credentials
# =============================
# Add your BrowserStack userName and acccessKey here or set BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and
# BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY as env variables

# ======================
# BrowserStack Reporting
# ======================
# The following capabilities are used to set up reporting on BrowserStack:
# Set 'projectName' to the name of your project. Example, Marketing Website
projectName: BrowserStack Samples
# Set `name` to set the session name
name: BStack iOS test
# Set `buildName` as the name of the job / testsuite being run
buildName: browserstack build
# `buildIdentifier` is a unique id to differentiate every execution that gets appended to
# buildName. Choose your buildIdentifier format from the available expressions:
# ${BUILD_NUMBER} (Default): Generates an incremental counter with every execution
# ${DATE_TIME}: Generates a Timestamp with every execution. Eg. 05-Nov-19:30
# Read more about buildIdentifiers here ->
buildIdentifier: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}' # Supports strings along with either/both ${expression}

source: node:appium-sample-sdk:v1.0

# Set `app` to define the app that is to be used for testing.
# It can either take the id of any uploaded app or the path of the app directly.
app: bs://[app ID]]
# app: ./LocalSample.ipa #For running local tests

# =======================================
# Platforms (Browsers / Devices to test)
# =======================================
# Platforms object contains all the browser / device combinations you want to test on.
# Entire list available here -> (

- deviceName: iPhone 14 Pro
osVersion: 16
platformName: ios
- deviceName: iPhone 13 Pro
osVersion: 15
platformName: ios
- deviceName: iPhone XS
osVersion: 14
platformName: ios

# ==========================================
# BrowserStack Local
# (For localhost, staging/private websites)
# ==========================================
# Set browserStackLocal to true if your website under test is not accessible publicly over the internet
# Learn more about how BrowserStack Local works here ->
browserstackLocal: true # <boolean> (Default false)
#Options to be passed to BrowserStack local in-case of advanced configurations
# localIdentifier: # <string> (Default: null) Needed if you need to run multiple instances of local.
# forceLocal: true # <boolean> (Default: false) Set to true if you need to resolve all your traffic via BrowserStack Local tunnel.
# Entire list of arguments available here ->

# ===================
# Debugging features
# ===================
debug: false # <boolean> # Set to true if you need screenshots for every selenium command ran
networkLogs: false # <boolean> Set to true to enable HAR logs capturing
consoleLogs: errors # <string> Remote browser's console debug levels to be printed (Default: errors)
# Available options are `disable`, `errors`, `warnings`, `info`, `verbose` (Default: errors)

Run test

node ios-browserstack.js

You can check reports on your BrowserStack account. You can additional code to retrieve the reports and test artefacts from BrowserStack cloud

More resources

Here are a couple more resources, or check out the full list.

  1. WCAG

    WCAG 2.1 and WCAG 2.2 rules, explained by example.

  2. Superagent API testing

    Superagent is a small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, supporting many high-level HTTP client features.